In the town you will find various kinds of accommodation as follows:
Hotel Accommodation in Zandvoort
Most people appreciate the fact that when you stay in any hotel, the staff will usually go to any lengths to make sure that you have a relaxing and enjoyable stay. They are professionals who are there to help you and to answer any questions that you might have. In Zandvoort Hotel accommodation, you will generally find facilities of a very high quality and of an excellent level of cleanliness in which you can be pampered. Maybe you will choose to eat your breakfast in your room or you could go down to the hotel restaurant. In the Zandvoort hotels you will find many different kinds of room with different facilities from a basic bathroom to a whirlpool bath. There are quite a few hotels in many different locations ranging from the middle of town to right up on the seafront. Hotels such as the hotel Zuiderbad are placed midway between the town and the beach allowing the best of both worlds.
If you stay in a hotel in the centre of Zandvoort town then you will be in a wonderful position to go shopping in the varied shops the town has to offer or to visit the Cultural Museum (Cultureel Centrum) and learn more about the history of Zandvoort. You could even treat yourself to a relaxing massage in one of the local saunas. Zandvoort really does have so much to offer and if you book yourself into a great hotel in a good location then you will have many happy memories to take with you when you leave the town.
Apartments in Zandvoort
In Zandvoort you will find that there are many many apartments for rent (te huur) and these can vary greatly both in size and price. An apartment of a decent size on one of the boulevards with a sea view for example will obviously be quite expensive – much more so than a small apartment well away from the seafront. Also in this writer’s experience, if you want a good apartment for a couple of weeks in the high season then you will need to book a long way in advance possibly up to a year in advance if you want to secure your accommodation. You will also need to pay a sizeable deposit reserve the apartment. On the plus side however some of the apartments are really very comfortable and you are not likely to find yourself very far away from one of the larger supermarkets so you will easily be able to do your shopping and eat at the apartment more often..
Guesthouses in Zandvoort
If you choose to stay one of the many guesthouses in Zandvoort you will find yourself in a nice cosy environment. This is more likely to be more of a homely atmosphere than a hotel and your host at the guesthouse will be able to give you lots of advice and thus make it much easier for you to plan your holiday and explore and learn more about the surrounding area. In Zandvoort there is a network of cycle routes as well as paths to wander and these will make it much more easy for you to explore Zandvoort’s natural environment particularly in amongst the dunes where wildlife is really in abundance.
Bed & Breakfast in Zandvoort
For a cheaper and more laid-back option especially for a weekend getaway for two people, a Bed & Breakfast (Pension) is a good alternative for your accommodation. Let’s face it there are times when you just can’t drag yourself away from the beautiful sunset on Zandvoort beach and before you know it you and your partner don’t feel like driving back to Amsterdam along with 1000 other people who also made the day trip from there. Also the bottle of red wine which the two of you have just enjoyed whilst bathed in golden sunlight at the beach pavilion means that you shouldn’t really be driving anyway! A Zandvoort Bed & Breakfast can be the ideal accommodation solution in this kind of situation and there are many in the town that can be booked at the last minute although of course this will never be quite so easy in the high season months of July and August.
Holiday Park
If you are looking for accommodation in a holiday park then you will not be disappointed in Zandvoort. There is a holiday park (Center Parc) close to the northern side of the beach which has a good reputation and is popular with many families. It has a subtropical swimming paradise, sunbeds, a sauna and a Turkish steam bath.
Whatever your trip and choice of accommodation, if you are planning a stay in Zandvoort it is a good idea to contact the local tourist office VVV. They will have information on all grades of hotels, apartments and pensions in Zandvoort. The VVV link for information and accommodation / Hotels / Pensions is: VVV Zandvoort (English)