Zandvoort is a very popular seaside resort for water sports with international windsurfing and catamaran competitions held in its waters on a regular basis. People come from all over Europe to partake of these popular and enjoyable water sports particularly in the summer months.
The most popular water sport enjoyed in Zandvoort however, is probably that of sailing. The numerous enthusiasts for this particular activity find the open coastline and wide open sandy beaches ideal and for most of the summer you will see boats and yachts dotted at various points along the beach.
Long Established Sailing Club
Zandvoort Sailing Club (Watersportvereniging Zandvoort) has been in existence for well over 45 years (the club was originally started up in 1966) and today has many members. They hold regular events and competitions for the many enthusiasts. They have their own website which you can visit via the following link: Website: http://www.wvz.vuurwerk.nl/
You can find Zeilvereniging Zandvoort on the Southern beach . It is situated between the South lifeguard station and beach pavilion Vooges . If you want to phone the clubhouse then here is the number: (023) 571 52 51 – Email : info@wvzandvoort.nl