In 1722 the seignory of Zandvoort was acquired by Paulus Loot for the sum of 15,442 guilders and 12 cents. He thereupon became Lord of Zandvoort. During this period we hear of commerce taking place in the area: fish, for example, was traded with Haarlem, Beverwijk, Den Helder, Den Haag and Leiden, among others. With the advent of the nineteenth century a new era began for Zandvoort. Jonkheer Barneart drew up plans for a seaside bathing resort which would be easily accessible from Haarlem.

So it was that the Groot Badhuis (see print circa 1828 below) and the Zandvoortselaan came into existence. It was in this period that the beneficial effects of sea water were being discovered and lauded. One of its advocates was a local Zandvoort GP, Dr Mezger (photo left), who was a pioneer in this field.
It was thanks to this happy discovery that many wealthy people started to come to Zandvoort. They even came from abroad – including the nobility. Empress Elisabeth of Austria (Sissi) photo – above right, to name but one was to be treated by Dr. Mezger during 1885 when she visited Zandvoort , staying at the ‘Boarding House Paula’. So began the change from small village to seaside resort. More on Sissi’s visit in the next section: